Caminemos junt@s, 2010


Caminemos junt@s
MUSAC, Leon. Spain. 2010.

Workshop. Oct 2010.
A tent constructed with clothes donated by inhabitants of Leon was built during a collective workshop. The tent was decorated with emancipation messages from the participants.



Caminemos junt@s.
Tent, variable dimensions.
Recicled clothes, embroidery, metal structure.


During the show the tent was activated with a parallel program of its own, with conferences and workshops.


Caminemos junt@s.
Tent, variable dimensions.
Recicled clothes, embroidery, metal structure.


LEGAL CO-OWNERSHIP. All the participants of the workshop and those who donated clothes are legal co-owners of the tent together with the museum.

The co-owners can withdraw the tent from the museum during a week at a time, and use it for their personal events.