Patron Mono, 2018

Patron Mono, 2018
From the Water Portrait Series / De la serie Retratos del Agua
3 canales /3 channels, HD Video
4.32 min, color, sin sonido / no sound

Patron Mono portrays the lower Cauca river canyon, located in the department of Antioquia, currently affected by the crisis of the Hidroituango dam. The muleteers, fishermen and artisanal miners that make up the canyon culture refer to the Cauca River as Patron Mono (Blonde Boss), both for its yellow color and for the gold found in its waters and sands. For them, it is the best employer in the world because it does not set schedules and never refuses to pay, that is, it always provides them with fish and gold. The images that make up the triptych of projections are shots from gold artisanally from the Cauca River, as well as shots filmed in the same canyon.


Installation view at Conjuro de Rios, Museo de Arte Universidad Nacional Bogota